Spectrum Track Site

Washington, Utah

State Instutional Trust Lands

Sienna Hills/Spectrum Site

I've spent more time googling about this  site, it wasn't too hard to find, just drove to the fence line and wandered till we found the site. Found the first reference from a paper linked on the Dinosaur Discovery site.

Field Trip Guide Book 71 st Annual Meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology

"The footprints at the Spectrum Tracksite are preserved at the very top of the Springdale Sandstone, the lower member of the Kayenta Formation. The track-bearing bed is about 45-50 cm and approximately 5M above the Kayenta base.(Hamblin et al. 2006)."NEVADA STATE MUSEUM

The site is at the bottom of a wash, with a steep bank on the northwest bank. It has been fenced by SITLA with access for pedestrians but not atv's. The gates on roads approaching this site are locked but the fence only extends into the scrub. It is posted so consider  if this site is worth the possible consequences.

 Trackway with at least four steps.

The top of the Springdale Sandstone, which was deposited in a fluvial channel, preserves a megatracksite that can be traced extensively from southwestern Utah, as far east as Ward Terrace near Tuba City in north-central Arizona. The interpretation of the “Springdale megatracksite” (Lucas et al. 2005a),supported by several authors (DeBlieux et al.)
 Is this a skin impression? The tracks are mostly underprints, this is within a larger track. The overlieing bed is not preserved here, It would interesting to find the contact  at other Springdale Sandstone sites and see if the overlieing beds dip into the tracks, and to see if the prints are from the overlieing beds.
 Keys for scale, theropod
 Anomoepus? Additional info
Full track site with Shnabkaib in the distance.

Red Cliffs Recreation Area

Dinosaur tracks behind the campground

Kayenta and a view

We stopped  in the St George BLM office this afternoon to ask about the Spectrum Site. The volunteer knew of that sight but didn't know about access -- go talk to SITLA. But he did have several other local sites. So we went to one this afternoon.

Red Cliff Recreation Area

A large BLM area near town, with and a campground just outside of Leeds,  UT. And behind the restroom in the campground is a short trail leading to a track site. 

Dinosaur Tracks trail

The  brochure says seventeen tracks, we saw three and a couple of possibilities.