Why not, Jucy tidbit:

From LAX to LAS for $1/night lets give it a try.

So we did.


We've seen these odd colored (green and purple) vans several times over the last year or two:
And one night I visited the company's U.S. website and found a special deal of $1/night for rentals originating in Los Angelas and terminating in Las Vegas. A quick visit to Southwest Airlines found flights from LAS to LAX for under $100 each. So the plan quickly came together; drive to Las Vegas -- a minor suburb of St George, spend a night at the South Point hotel casino and spa who offer free parking after a stay. Then fly to Los Angelas taxi to Jucy (under $30) and then camp somewhere in the LA basin for two then back to Vegas for a night there and then back to St. George.

So off to the California state parks page to find a campspot on the beach somewhere in SoCal. Ended up with a reservation for two nights at Doheny Beach state park. Which is on the beach in a nice part of Orange County.

Then off to South Point, off to LAS and into the friendly skies
The flight was on time and we had allowed a couple of  extra hours between arrival at LAX and the pickup time at Jucy. -- More waiting at LAX. And then a cab ride from LAX to Hawthorne. How did taxi drivers find anything before GPS, and how do they survive entering addresses into a gps at forty miles per hour... in the airport? Twenty nine dollars (including tip) later and we're at our van:
After a thorough how to on the van, and a thorough cleaning of  the windshield to remove burning man residue we're off on the 405, in the HOV lane, with a lot of commuters staring at the green van:
Into Dana Point

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